Friday, May 20, 2016

A lot of Joy

We. cannot. get. enough.

Julia has done very well for her first 20 hours of life. She's been breast feeding and breathing on her own. Her heart and lungs are doing a perfect job so far keeping her oxygen levels in normal range. She has a tendency to pull her IV out but doesn't cry when they place a new one in.

Julia's anemia is much better than expected and she has not needed a blood transfusion. It's almost unbelievable. We have no explanation yet. This little pixie has all her doctors stumped.

High five, Julia.

Her big brother's spirit soars all around her. Little William, looking out for Julia - it's so precious to witness all this Joy.

We love you, William - best big brother ever.

In daddy's arms 

In her isolette, a small feeding tube was placed down her nose into her tummy for added nutrition because she wasn't interested in the bottle during last feeding, very normal for 34 weekers. We are very very thankful that she had been receiving donor breast milk through her tube to supplement feedings until my milk comes in. She loves breastfeeding and we will be trying again today :)


  1. We are so excited Julia is healthy and doing so well. I can't wait to meet her! Love, Maggie

  2. Amazing!! Welcome to the world, Julia!
