Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Julia's first transfusion after birth!

On Saturday we decided to transfuse Julia. Her blood count had been hovering a bit low for over a week and it was time. You may wonder why we waited this long knowing she was anemic.  We wish the decision, like many decisions we've made along this road were easily explained. But they are not. We are constantly challenged with making choices that could affect her health in either direction. Sure, it wasn't a life or death decision, but still these things weigh heavy on us.

One thought has been that her and William's blood disorder may be fetal specific, affecting them more in the womb than out. This would be a very very good thing.

But we just don't know for sure yet.

What we do know is that Julia's count was normal at birth but has since decreased.  There is a normal physiological response to being born where baby's blood count drops, and it is seen especially in preemies. The first question is: is Julia's blood count decreasing due to her anemia or to this natural "dip"? And the second question is: how will she eventually respond to this dip, will her bone marrow kick into gear and start making effective blood cells? The latter is something we thought was impossible before her birth.

In a few months we will intentionally let her count dip again to see how she responds. But for now she needs new blood to feed better and grow.

It's day 3 post transfusion and she is bright eyed and more energetic than ever. She's pulled out her ng tube and the nurses decided not to place it back. If she continues to feed well by mouth we get to go home. You guys, we may get to go home this week!

Tears and more tears of happiness.

Enjoy her latest video, we don't want to jinx anything but this could be footage from her last weekend in the nicu.



  1. All the best, Guys! Hope it's the last week. Xoxo!!!!

    The Colons

  2. Woohoo!! We'll meet you there?! ;-)

    Seriously though, we'll coordinate when is a good time to come visit. We'll keep watching for updates. (You can do it Julia!!) Atticus and Sage love the videos of Baby Julia! We'll go through each video like 3 or 4 times.

    Love the Colons

    1. That is so cute how your kiddos watch the videos. Hoping they will meet her soon!
      much love, Liz and Tom
