Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Julia's 2nd Month

Julia is two months old today.

Over the past month we have settled into home life quite beautifully together. We adore the heck out of this little one. We made room for her in our apartment by selling a bunch of our furniture (who needs a dining room table anyway) and buying us some baby stuff. It's about time.

From as far as we can tell, Julia's doing really well. She's growing and growing. Today she weighs 8 lbs 6 oz - That's about 2nd %ile for 2 month olds but 47 %ile according to her "adjusted age", go Julia :)

We check her blood counts regularly at children's hospital and she is a trooper. We think the blood draws affect us more than her. Julia is very lucky to have an Auntie who is also a pediatrician. We call her super Auntie. Auntie has given us plenty of advice on how to make the best out of each doctors visit.

The last time we checked Julia's blood we got some good news. See, Julia receives type O blood for all of her transfusions even though her own type is A. After the last transfusion she was typing as O. But the last blood draw she typed as A. The fact that she is typing A means that she is making blood cells. And this is very good in and of itself. The problem is that under a microscope, her cells appear small and "emptier" than usual, meaning they aren't the greatest looking red blood cells. We don't really know if her cells will be able to handle the demands of a growing Julia yet. But we will continue to monitor and keep you all updated. For now we are just glad she has the ability to create red cells.

Please enjoy another video full of her second month memories!

Liz and Tom


  1. Such a cutie! Love her smile in that last clip! Can't wait to see her again! Love you all!

  2. What a great video, brought out a huge smile on me. Julia is just so stinking adorable, just the prettiest little thing.

    Great job all around!

    Jade and Gang :-)

  3. Thanks, guys! We are looking forward to getting together again soon :)

  4. Love love love that video! Julia yawning is just too cute! Thank you for the awesome video.

  5. You have an amazing little person who in turn has two amazing parents! Love to all of you😘
    We need to get Julia Joy, Ivy and Edie and their mommys together for a photo op and Mommy time.

  6. Can't wait for Edie and Julia to meet!
