Friday, June 12, 2015

This time last year

This time last year we found out we were pregnant. Our first baby! If you have ever been pregnant, you know how it feels. There's a common thread in the thoughts of the newly expecting, surprise most likely tops the list.

When we found out, we laughed and cried and hugged. I remember looking at myself in the mirror, jaw dropped, already noticing a difference. All the food cravings and fatigue I’d been experiencing the weeks before quickly made sense. 

It was the happiest day of our lives. 

Everything was going to change. But it was perfect and we felt on top of the world.

A week later, during the first ultrasound we held our breath. The sonographer warned us, “You may not be able to hear the heartbeat since it’s so early”. But sure enough right as the wand hit belly, we heard what would become our favorite sound. Whoosh whoosh whoosh. His heartbeat was strong and steady.

Here he is, one year ago, such a cute lil peanut with his arm buds already formed.

tiny little baby bear at 6 weeks

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