Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Artwork for William

William's big cousin, Madeleine is an amazing artist. She has a such a good heart and loves giving us her drawings and paintings to make us feel better. Her artwork has been displayed in our house and in our hospital room. It makes us feel happy to see her drawings every day. We'd love to share Madeleine's artwork with you. Terrific job, Maddie.

 William's Star

Maddie holding William in the snow

Two Williams in a heart


  1. Liz & Tom, we are thinking about you and praying for you. I love the pictures from Maddie. Maggie talks about William all the time and when she sees a toy that she thinks he would like, she wishes we could have gotten it for him. His memory is alive in our home. We can't wait to see you. We are hoping to get out there soon!
    Farah & Maggie

    1. Thank you, Maggie, Jack, Joe, Eric, & Farah. We know you have been praying for us because we have felt all of those prayers, they have lifted us up. It's so nice to know that you talk about William, you are honoring him and it makes us so happy. We talk to William about you too. While he was in belly I would tell him about all his big cousins in Arizona. We would love to see you and give you all big hugs and tell you more about William :)
      Hugs till we see each other, Liz and Tom

      Maggie, thank you for liking my pictures. I thank you very much.
      Love, Madeleine xoxo
