Wednesday, January 14, 2015

1 month in heaven

I would have been 36 weeks today. My due date was February 9th, 2015. Yesterday marked William’s 1st month in heaven.

We think of him every day. But some days more than others. There will be lots of days like that this year: our due date, the holidays, mother’s day, father’s day... There is also a day in October, the national infant loss day. I've come to learn about this day as I browse baby loss websites on the internet. I’d like to share what I've found with you.

Infant Loss
There are many (millions in fact) of little ones that die each year in the US alone. From losses early in pregnancy to later term loss to infant loss, it doesn't matter which you have suffered through, because all life, no matter how tiny, is important and special to someone.
  • Early pregnancy loss or miscarriage is when a baby dies before it could survive on its own. Shockingly 1 in 4 pregnancies result in a miscarriage.
  • Late term loss sometimes referred to as a stillbirth, is when a baby dies in the womb after a certain point of gestation, usually after 20 weeks gestation. There are ~26,000 stillbirths in the US per year.
  • Neonatal loss is when a baby dies within the first days of life, like our William. There are ~19,000 neonatal losses per year.
We spent 5 days in the hospital after William was born. He was delivered via c-section to give him the best chance possible, plus he was breech with his cute little bum down. In those 5 days we felt so many emotions, one of which was loneliness. But not because we were alone, because we were new parents of a baby who died the day he was born, and we felt like we were the only ones.

Then a woman visited our room. She wanted to help us fill out some of William’s forms. She gave her condolences and surprisingly said “I know exactly how you feel”. Really? Then she told us that she lost her twin baby girls just a few months ago. She was 8 months pregnant at the time. I remember thinking how strong she was to go back to work, in a hospital where she may have lost her girls, to tell us about her loss.

Since then we have received sympathy letters from a family/friends who have also shared the death of their babies late in pregnancy. We were so thankful for those brave women and families who have reached out.

We've learned that there are many people out there who know exactly how we feel. And there is a powerful comfort that comes with sharing during times of grief. Even though we feel awful hearing about other's losses, it brings us comfort knowing we are not alone.

The gifts that William has given us are adding up. Love and compassion to those who have lost babies is just one of them.

Happy 1 month in heaven baby bear, we know you have lots of baby friends up there,
Mommy and Daddy


  1. We love you Lizzy and Tom⭐️. It was wonderful to see you both the other day and to hear all you have to share with us about sweet William. Thank you. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Keep posting please.
    Aunt Jo Ann

    1. Thank you, Aunt Jo. We loved seeing you and showing off our little guy. That hug you gave us lasted quite a while. It's just what we needed. Xo, Liz and Tom

  2. Lizzie- I am a friend of your Mom and I have been praying for you and your family. I have just finished reading your blog and I can't believe how strong you and Tom are. Baby William chose well. I never lost a baby-but I did lose a son who had just turned 20-a few days before Christmas 8 years ago. I know that grieving is hard and exhausting and that your life has changed forever...I know how important it is to talk about William-he was here ,he is your child-and will be for all eternity . He will never be forgotten. I believe he feels your love, hears and sees you and can't wait to be with you again. Thank you for sharing him. Take care. Peggy Wroe

    1. Dear, Peggy. We are so sorry for the loss of your son and please know that your family is in our prayers. I feel like we are connected already, both losing a son right before Christmas. I hope to meet you one day and hear about him. Knowing that you made it through is already helping us make it through. Thank you. In honor your our sons, Liz and Tom

  3. Liz and Tom,

    I think about you and William every day. Thank you for continuing to post to this blog and share your journey with us.



    1. Thank you, Mary. William is on many minds. I smile to think of him as one of the cousins, not here physically, but with all of us in spirit :) he's part of our family narrative and we are so glad to have him. Xo, Liz and Tom
